first...its kinda an old event happened in 5/4/2007...I posted it in other pages...but i like to post here too...
So here's the story: In Tuesday April 5th...i was sleeping and i was having weird nightmare...i dont remember it that much but in general i can describe it as nearly 2 - 2:30 hours of watching American action & horror movie in same time & Hell Ya I Am the Main character or Al Hero Mal this movie...For starter, all my dreams begin with so reality life*...i mean in the dream i saw myself doing normal things i usually do everyday...but things getting worse when all the world truns to high alarm due to some sudden bad things happened which will effect so badly on the world in all parts of life...anyway there's some monster responsible of this and that one is UNBEATEN "hehe" ...world getting so darker & so so damn scary and some huge wars happen that contained so damn scary & horrible scenes...many detials i dont actually remember but the changing point of all that is when i reached some level i dont how i reach it but with it i will suddenlly use some super natural ability that will make difference...from that point i will transfer to some secret place where i got more details and info about things around the world, the killing, bombs, stuff like that...then i dont know, the picture is getting darker and but then i saw myself wearing military clothes in so dark place with some dudes searching for that evil dude " The UNBEATEN One"....anyway he bagin to kill us one after another till i saw him and jumped to him but with my bad luck we fall into so so so deep hole and it was kinda like we were fallen from the sky because the backround was like a sunny weather...we were falling down and fighting each other & flipping in the air while fighting, but the most intresting thing that in the dream i was watching myself with that monster while we were falling & fighting just like someone put a camera falling in front of us and the other thing that the acceleration of falling was rapidly increase...of course there was sound effects & good director skills in scenes"it was just like some scene from al movie mal final fantasy"...in the end we hit the floor but i was upside that monster so he hit the floor first and he began to yetfase5 and he was Yelling NOooo ....i was fine and nothing happened to me dont know y but the bad thing happened after his death....some kinda of curse he had moved from him to me and made me like him and that place was so eeeeeeee3 in way i cant describe & i tried to get up from this hole but i failed....its just like that u go to hell so early lets say from the beginning of humanity and be there till the judgement day which u dont when its gonna happen...being so lonely all that time in that so ee3 place and u can get out of it....Kolish weird nightmare mo
*Hintaya: my dreams Kolish realistic ...well as i remember in that dream the last time i checked my watch before the last fight was 4:30 am when i wake i thought it was 4:45 am and before i go to sleep... i set al mobile to ring at 4 am...
so, i was wondering Why al mobile didnt ring in 4 am..?! but after that i realized that i wake up at 2:35 am....SO, have a nice Nightmare.!!
Other thing: al pic mal this journal is kinda like that UNBEATEN Monster in My dream :D
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