Thursday, April 10, 2008

It Kills When...!!

It Kills When

Ur friend punches u in the back..!!

It Kills When

U scream so loud but no one hears..!!

It Kills When

U want to say smthing but no one will understand..!!

it kills when

U feel lonely even if u r not..!!

It Kills When

U feel unsecure, lack of confidence & missing smthing u dont know..!!

It Kills When

u pretend to be normal but inside u dying like hell..!!

It Kills When

U love Smone and that one pretend not..!! It Kills When U have a feeling u want to shut it off but u dont why its still on..!!

Its kills when

U want to open new page but u cant close the old ones..!!

It Kills When

Smone lies to u, Smone deceives u, Smone have two faces, Smone say smthing and do the oppesite..!!

It Kills When

U feel lost, deep in the forest, silence of the night, no one to help u, no one to save u..!!

It Kills When

U think u were wrong about smthing then right but u suprised that is so f****n wrong feeling..!!

It Kills When

Ur wildest dream is so near to u but u just cant reach it..!!

I said with myself one day "I will stop this feeling but you smiled at me and I ended up with the my eye clinging" I wish to erase this feeling but i just cant and that just kills so hard, it makes me Down..!!

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